Sunday, October 12, 2008

Compost Tanks

My compost tanks are looking good.


This one is currently being filled. I am trying drainage pipes for the first time, inserted as far as the bottom, with a tomato stake for support. This is supposed to be for aeration, but I use it for getting water to all levels. Then I sloly pull them a bit up the stick, and the water gets delivered about two thirds down.

The cans are there to stop me filling the pipes as I fill the tank. And make a good spot to collect the snails from.

This one has a good layer of mown weeds on top.


This tank is full, with a layer on top of shredded garden prunnings. It was too late to put full tubes in, when I decided to use them, so I just have short ones in there to help water the pumpkins. Although they did all right last year without them.

Pumpkin total last year was 28 Queensland Blues. This year it is a combo of four different types of pumpkin, plus three Butternuts in the garden (my friends wanted something easier to peel). I must be mad - although one place where I work takes all the pumpkins I can spare.


This is the spud tank. There are three short watering pipes in there too, but you can't see them any more. Plus a bit of mint. I should have let it die and mown it.

And that is about it for my compost. The slotted drainage pipe, that lets me water all through it is good. And I run a three-tray worm farm where I keep emptying fresh worms into the tank I am currently filling.

The local Lions are selling sheep manure again, so I might throw a bit of that in - plus some of that horse manure I pick up by the highway. As things are coming under control this year, and I might not have enough weeds.


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